Flexible Benefits, Increased Tax Savings
Sign up today and take advantage of $100 setup fees and 8% ongoing admin fee*
HUB Financial’s PHSP enables an employer to reimburse an employee (including those who are shareholders AND employees) for eligible medical expenses on a tax-free basis while deducting their expenses. Medical benefits paid on behalf of an employee by an employer are not taxable as a benefit to the individual; nor are the claim benefits themselves taxable to the individual employee.
Let us explain to you how it works
HUB Financial’s PHSP enables an employer to reimburse an employee (including those who are shareholders AND employees) for eligible medical expenses on a tax-free basis while deducting their expenses. Contact us to see how it can work for you.
Click here to watch ADVICO’S Ryan Jewell full talk about the benefits of FlexSave™
The FlexSave PHSP offers a wide range of flexible benefits to both the employer, and the employee.
Benefits to Employer
- Deduct eligible medical expenses*
- Increase expense limits over other plans
- Control benefit costs
- Supplement current plan
- Retain employees
- Encourage a healthy lifestyle with wellness account*
- Third Party Administration
Benefits to Employee
- Decide how to spend benefit amount
- Claim more eligible expenses than traditional plans
- Receive non-taxable benefits*
- Get up to 100% reimbursement of receipt
- Submit claims online
How is a claim is processed?

For more info, contact one of our representatives today.
Call 780.467.7451 or email Patrick@ADVICO.ca